Monday, February 21, 2011

3-D Model of Hydrazine [N2H4]

This is a model of N2H4. The green spheres represent Nitrogen, the gray represent hydrogen, and the small yellow spheres represent the unshared electrons that Nitrogen has. The arrows in this picture represent the direction of a negative charge between two atoms (moving from a lower electronegativity charge to a higher electronegativity charge). 

1 comment:

  1. Hydrazine may form triple intramolecular bonding: 2 indirect Hydrogen bonds & 1 indirect covalent bond in the gas phase. I cannot easily show this structure in typing structure, but can with my unique molecular models set. The same principles apply to Hydrogen Peroxide
    :OH2O: , H-NH2N-H. I am unable to show photos here.
