Monday, February 21, 2011

Hydrazine: Polar molecule

A polar molecule is a molecule that has an uneven distribution of electrons. A non polar molecule is a molecule that has an even distribution of electrons. 

N2H4 is a polar molecule because the unshared electron pairs of the nitrogen atoms create an area on the molecule that is more negative than the space around the hydrogen atoms.

Also, only one line of symmetry can be drawn through the N2H4 dash model. If there is only one line of symmetry, the molecule is polar. 

The dash model for N2H4 with the one line of symmetry, shown in red. Note the negative area near the Nitrogens' unshared electron pairs and the positive areas around the Hydrogens, shown in purple. 


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    1. Your cosmic embodiment has not gone unnoticed. Turning stale a green fig lies (though fickle).
